Friday 28 October 2011


Unedited shot of a Pillow Fight on the Dam square in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1.

I just woke up and realized, once again, that life is great! 2011 will go down in the AmsterSam history books as one of the greatest years ever, and I can't really express in words how much I realize, appreciate and worship this fact of life, so I've tried finding some pictures in my vast archives that reflect the happiness, gratefulness and childish joy that I am experiencing when I think about all those awesome, inspiring, wicked and lovely things that have graced my life in 2011. I'm not going to bore you with all the details that created this desirable situation, but considering that exactly one year ago I was going through one of the worst periods of my existence, I am once again reminded of the saying that we don't learn from good experiences, only bad ones, and I think that that awful, megacrappy 2010 did its share of making me love 2011 just so much more. Those of you who contributed to this miraculous, beautiful year, you know who you are, and I can't thank you enough for being there and being who you are, I love you guys, and in my mind I am making love to all of you in a feverishly fashion right now. lol. To those of you who made last year such a horrible year I say once again: F U! F U very much, Karma will sort you out, while I'll be up there in the sky, shining like a star, spitting chewing gum into your hair, hahahaha :D

Thank God it's Friday and life is awesome!

I've made 2 movies of the Pillow fight on the Dam too, check them out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

Movie 1
Movie 2

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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