Tuesday 19 March 2013


Ride..., originally uploaded by AmsterSam - The Wicked Reflectah.

Unedited shot of Amsterdam. Taken with a Sony HX200V.

Sometimes in life you face a situation that forces you to make a tough decision, and we often tend to try to avoid that, there is nothing as comfy as continuing down a path that might not bring us to where we want to be, but it is the path of the least resistance, so against better knowledge, we travel in a direction we don't want to go in, but can't or won't help it. But sometimes we have to face our fears, part from the safe road, destroy what destroys us, go in the other direction and dance to the tune that we choose, follow our own heart and mind and break free from the chains society has shackled us with. This will be the day that we truly become who we are and unleash the full potential of being ourselves. It's a great, exciting, scary and nerve-wrecking thing to do, but it sure feels awesome, try it some time, you won't regret it :)

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections


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